Minibikes release brand new single ‘Magic Happens’ out Friday 26 October on Cheersquad Records & Tapes

Minibikes release brand new single Magic Happens’ 

out Friday 26 October on Cheersquad Records & Tapes

LR-Magic Happens Single Cover  .jpg

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 return with the bumper sticker inspired single ‘Magic Happens’ due for release on Cheersquad Records & Tapes on Friday 26 October.

Who are they? minibikes are a one-man band with 8 arms and 8 legs. Marcel Borrack calls the shots and his band pull out the stops. What? Who cares! Marcel went on a mystical pilgrimage communing with wizards and learning the art of the silken song. Mixing up a cocktail of dolphin disco, the new single is a journey of love and redemption that's ‘magical, physical AND spiritual’.  With co-producer Tim Harvey (Jade Imagine), Minibikes serve up tidal synth textures layered with yearning guitars and a pinch of the Steely Dan’s.

At this time of year, it’s not unusual to read about songs that "ooze summer vibes” but this single comes with a serious warning…Slip Slop Slap! And watch out for falling coconuts.

minibikes will be launching ‘Magic Happens’ on Saturday 3 November at the Merri Creek Tavern in Northcote.

Magic Happens’ out Friday 26 October on Cheersquad Records & Tapes.


For further enquiries, please contact  [mob] 0414 316 044

Jo Wilson